"It takes a heap 'o livin' in a house t' make it a home" -Edgar A. Guest

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Under Construction

So I thought I would tinker around with my blog layout since I haven't changed it since....well, ever. I don't have a clue what I'm doing, so it might be a while before I figure out what I want the finished project to look like, especially since we're leaving on vacation tomorrow. So if it looks kind of mismatched and bizarre when you check it, just keep that in mind. The only thing I've figured out so far is how to change the background. Currently I'm trying to find cool blog fonts, since Blogger has such a limited and boring selection. If you have any tips, feel free to advise me.


Christie // lemon squeezy home said...

Hi, my friend Erin did a post about a lot of free backgrounds here: http://ifyougiveamomamoment.blogspot.com/2009/06/linky-love-free-blogger-backgrounds.html

Also, she directed me to how to change the post title font here:

It takes a little time, but I've enjoyed having a different font! I'm not sure how you change it in your actual post though.

The Allen Family said...

Good luck with it all! I'm hoping since you're making changes, that means you'll be spending more time on it updating us. :)