One of the things her doctor stressed we need to vigilant about is doing tummy time. We haven't been the best with it because Lily seems to hate it. Alas, it is for the best. She needs to develop those muscles, plus it keeps her off her back--you can see the developing stripe of hair loss on the back of her head from where it has been rubbing off when she lies on her back. She still hates tummy time, but she gets in about 30 minutes a day.

A couple of things that have been recently introduced to her--a vibrating bouncer--she stares down the toys and likes to hit the one on the far right.

Also, her new friend, the fish rattle. Usually I'm the one holding it and shaking it for her, but she held onto for a few minutes.

Yesterday was a bittersweet day because as we were getting Lily dressed for the day, we found that with all of this growing, she has finally outgrown her first outfit. We can button it up, she just can't straighten her legs out all the way.

I also found that she can now wear a few of her 3 month outfits. This is her frog outfit. I had to buy it when I saw it because she always does frog legs--especially when she is getting her diaper changed.

She is the cutest!!! I love her little froggy outfit! Getting the shots sounds miserable. Of course hearing about that makes me, for some reason, think of the future dr's appt that I'll have to endure and then circumcision pops into my head. Thanks a lot Tiff. :) I dont know if I'm cut out for a boy! :)
Oh, what a cute frog outfit! I love the feet! I hate hate hate going in for shots. And now that Carson knows what's going on more than ever, he is terrified and runs away. Not so good. Like the whole last appointment, I couldn't lie and say he wasn't getting them, and the whole time to the nurses, in this pitiful little voice, over and over, "Are you going to use the owie thing?" Poor Lily. I tear up still! It's so sad, but for the best huh. I'm glad she's healthy!
Man oh man! She is super cute! How would you feel about setting her up with Peyton in about 25 years? :) I'm glad she was healthy and growing. Isn't it crazy to have her grow out of an outfit because when you first put it on her it was probably huge, huh? So cute.
We love all the picutres of Lily. It makes us feel like we get to see her grow and can't wait to finally meet her soon! Ellie likes to carry her birth announcement picture around saying, "baby Lily." Ethan, on the other hand, keeps asking me why Lily is a brown baby? I have reassured him that both parents are white and sometimes newborns just have darker pigment. Just thought you'd like to know in case he brings it up when you're here. Maybe he has forgotten Adam is cacasian. See you soon!
And BTW, I think the meatball subs look delicous! What did you use for sauce? I make them in the crock-pot with chili sauce and grape jelly.
Alvey... a "vibrating bouncer"? :)
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