"It takes a heap 'o livin' in a house t' make it a home" -Edgar A. Guest

Monday, February 18, 2008

I'm not doing it!

Poor Adam--he's so good about switching out Lily's diaper trash bags, but the other day fate dealt him a cruel hand.
I just looked at him and said, "Have fun with that." He squealed after touching the first one to find it was wet, so I told him where he could find a rubber glove to finish the job.


Christie // lemon squeezy home said...

Oh gross. Poor Adam. I would've done the same however, in saying what you did!

The Allen Family said...

That is hilarious! Now, did he really "squeal"? Tell him these diapers are NOTHING, wait til she starts eating solids and then real people food, these diapers will seem like fresh air. :)

Amberdawn said...

Stinky! We had a diaper Genie for a while. Not anymore, they are to gross. Your pictures made me laugh. So funny, unless of course you're Adam.

Tiffany Turley said...

Your poor husband! It's days like these I am grateful for the single life... But then I remember that I will be dealing with moments like these LONG after you all are done with them!!! ;)

Britta said...

No, Adam, that picture does not look like it was staged at all... :P ha ha ha

Alvey family said...

I know your busy changing diapers, but have you ever thought about changing you blog? It has been over a month you know! - Bret

MyKelle J said...

ha ha thats awesome! I didn't know you had a blog! yay! Its so cute!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

LOL! From a distance, it's sort of funny (glad I wasn't there!)

We want to save the aquarium, too!

We gave money to save it but they closed it anyway.

I have PIX from when it was open.